
Microstress and Performance

While the name might imply something small, there’s nothing insignificant about microstresses. The idea behind a microstress is the same as the idea behind a microaggression; a stress or burden that is so fleeting that it does not trigger the usual stress response in the human body, but over time results in a cumulative effect that could potentially damage our physical and emotional well-being. Luckily, Rob Cross and Karen Dillon from have published a new article on the science behind microstresses, and how to cope with them in order to keep the long-term effects at bay.

Unlike major causes of stress in our lives, microstresses can be so minor that in the moment they can actually seem harmless. As they accrue, however, they create ripple effects that will impact individuals’ following days, weeks, or even years in negative ways. While the authors were conducting the research that eventually led to this article, they interviewed many prototypical “high-performers”. During their interviews they found that despite their success, many of them felt overwhelmed without even realizing it. When asked to pinpoint the moment when they lost their sense of control, no one mentioned one specific issue. They all spoke about the relentless stresses they felt from all the small events (AKA microstresses) that accumulated over the years.

in striving to understand how to deal with this cumulative effect of microstresses, the authors list most people’s first assumption that things like meditation, mindfulness, or practicing gratitude. While these practices can help, they also have the side-effect of making us more resilient to these microstresses in the first place. So they began to approach the idea of actually eliminating some of these microstresses in our lives. Imagine how significant that could be if we just eliminated a few of these negative thoughts or interactions. Take a few minutes to read the full article here, then share it with your team, family, or friends!

Preventing Burnout

“Burnout”, although currently a hot topic, is by no means a new concept. Even in our pre-pandemic lives this was a very real danger, especially in the workforce (although it can also happen in our personal lives as well). Luckily, Wharton’s own Adam Grant has come up with one of their simple yet highly effective nano-tools for leaders. His new article highlights his approach to preventing burnout, using a model he dubs “Demand-Control-Support”.

In this model, he highlights the strategy in the following ways:

  • Demand: Make structural changes that lighten the load on the person doing the job or redistribute tasks.

  • Control: When you can’t eliminate demands, you can at least give people the autonomy and skills they need to handle them.

  • Support: Create cultures that make it easy to request and receive help.

It is interesting to see how differently these changes are exemplified in different industries. In some, for instance, tasks forces were created to identify where time-consuming tasks were holding people up, and new systems were put in place to correct them. At a Cleveland hospital, it was discovered that doctors were spending an inordinate amount of time charting in an outdated electronic health record system. Once this “demand” was identified, new management software was put into place and doctors were able to spend more time with patients.

While some companies may be able to address these issues immediately, others are more reticent, especially in the face of a predicted economic downturn. Many companies are already facing lay-offs, which, if not handled properly, will only increase burnout, not decrease it. Should a company find itself here, it is important that leadership take into account the “Support” aspect of Mr. Grant’s model. This step is able to really highlight top-down changes, as leadership must sometimes make the shift to the idea that asking for help is a sign of strength, not one of weakness. When leadership opens up about personal struggles, this culture is normalized, and employees generally are less prone to burnout, even if their workloads increase.

With “quiet quitting” coming into the modern lexicon, burnout has been blamed for this drawback from work life. Ideally, using these nano tools will prevent burnout, and thus embolden employees to set these healthy boundaries without taking away from what they are able to offer in their jobs. Take a look at Mr. Grant’s newest piece and see how your company can integrate these measures. Economic fluctuations and workload shifts are inevitable, but burnout is not.

Turn up the Volume on Post-Pandemic Leadership

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that no matter who we are or where we come from, all of us struggling with something (or many somethings). Many times (especially in the past few years) our struggles apparent - on the surface and ready for us to digest. Just as often, however, they lie just beneath a facade of infallibility. It behooves us to remember that no matter how successful, wealthy, famous, or influential a person gets, there’s a struggle in there somewhere.

This, of course, includes those in leadership. Leaders are generally under enormous amounts of stress, and it is imperative that support networks are there to be relied upon. In a new article from Kellogg Insight, Clinical Professor of Leadership Harry Kraemer intends to provide that support. He recognizes that it is difficult to lead at this present moment, and offers some tips on how to adapt to this new climate. No changes are necessary, he says, just “turn up the volume” on what any good leader already knows. Read up and watch the companion video to turn the leadership game up a notch.

5 self-care habits of successful people

“Sometimes I wish I had a moment for myself.”

Have you felt that recently?


Busy CEOs are pushed to a high stress level and often feel they lack the time they need to get everything done. Leadership demands hard work, creativity, and long hours, but science shows us that lack of rest and relaxation leads to diminished focus and productivity as well as the likelihood of burnout.

A growing number of executive leaders and business owners are prioritizing self-care habits. Successful people know that rejuvenation is paramount for maintaining their performance and overall well-being. There are a variety of ways to replenish your energy—it could be 30 minutes of exercise a day, reading for pleasure, spending time outdoors or a meditation practice.

To get a glimpse into the self-care habits of highly successful people, read on… hear how five business leaders with broad and deep experience in the business world share take the time to recharge.