
Motivational Mastery

If you’ve followed this blog at all, you know I love to share the remarkable work from Wharton and their “Nano-Tools”. This series of tools is available for those in leadership as brain hacks that can be used in minutes. Each is targeted at a different aspect of leadership. Their newest tool; motivating your team.

As anyone in leadership or management knows, not all team members are motivated in the same fashion. It takes time to get to know team members, to learn what motivates each individual. Wharton’s new nano-tool uses psychologist David McClelland’s motivational theory, which identifies three main motivating factors: achievement, power, and affiliation. These three factors can be motivational in many areas of life, but especially at work. Just like love languages, one of these factors is usually a dominant force.

Check out the new article and see how you can harness these tools to pinpoint your team members’ most powerful motivators.

Taking a Chance


Much of life (especially in business) is getting others to take a chance on you.   Whether it’s getting the job you want, hiring that superstar, a bank loan for expansion, or raising money for a start-up, often we only get one shot at the ask (think “Shark Tank”).  So, how can we up the odds of a ‘yes’?

Management writer Daniel Pink (“Drive”, “To Sell is Human”) recently interviewed the author of a new book on the topic, Suneel Gupta.  Spend 3 min 45 seconds with Messrs. Pink and Gupta on the former’s recent “PinkCast” video for an executive summary: “This is How to Get Others to Take a Chance on You”

Mr. Gupta’s book on the subject is  “Backable: The Surprising Truth Behind What Makes People Take a Chance on You.”  Additionally, check out a 60 minute video podcast that provides a deep dive into the book. 

This is Your Brain on Sleep

Now more than ever, most of us are focused on staying healthy and boosting our immunity. One of the biggest impacts we can have on our own immune system is how much (or how little) sleep we are able to get per night. In this TED talk, brain scientist Dr. Matt Walker explains the whys and hows of sleep as it pertains to our health and longevity. Check out this 19 minute video and learn how to take care of your brain and body with just a little more sleep.