Changing Minds: A Powerful New Approach


There’s a hot new topic in town, and its name is neuroscience. It’s affecting everything from leadership, to sales, to studies on community and human connection. A collaboration between the Wharton Executive Education and Wharton’s Center for Leadership and Change Management has poured hours into creating the Nano Tools for Leaders, which has resources and practical instructions that can be applied to any business, or any situation, in just minutes.

Jonah Berger, Wharton marketing professor and author of The Catalyst: How to Change Anyone’s Mind, has recently laid out some action items that can help in changing peoples’ minds. This has an obvious benefit to those in sales, but can also help us overcome obstacles in our everyday lives. No one enjoys being told what to do, and when an interaction starts out with an order or perceived aggressiveness, a potential customer may be immediately lost. Likewise, disagreements with friends, neighbors, or family members can be difficult, but helping to guide people within choice boundaries can resolve them quickly and peacefully. The potential benefit to this type of communication is endless. Check out the full article here, and see if these tools can help in the next sale, negotiation, or disagreement that comes along.