In his book “Good to Great”, Jim Collins identified what he called “Level 5” leadership: a combination of humility and fierce resolve. He proffered this as required and defining trait of those who build great, enduring companies.
One example he shared was that of Admiral James Stockdale, the highest ranking POW during the Vietnam conflict and how his leadership in an utterly uncertain situation required balancing the tension between the duality of faith and brutal facts that’s come to be known as the “Stockdale Paradox.”
To help leaders cope with the impact of Covid-19, Mr. Collins recently released a 7 minute video that explores “the Stockdale Paradox”, which is particularly relevant in the current context. I hope you will take time for this before starting your week and share with the other leaders in your organization.
Will My Company Survive?
The most important thing that leaders can manage right now is themselves. Many are asking whether their businesses will survive. Vistage Speaker of the Year Dr. Eve Meceda offers two resources to help you answer that question in the affirmative in a six minute video.
The first is a simple formula, “Beliefs ---> Behaviors ---> Outcomes,” for you and your team that will constantly remind you of the power you have.
Second, the stories you tell yourself, and your team, are more important than ever. Dr. Meceda reminds us that the core of storytelling is what’s called “the hero’s journey.” (i.e. yours).
Learn more about “The Hero’s Journey” in her new video (the first of several to come) “Will My Company Survive? because now, more than ever, the Hero’s Journey is your journey.
Incredible value for ANY leader in just a six minute video. Thank you, Dr. Meceda!