Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence


Being the best leader in the room isn’t always about being the smartest or most successful. Sometimes the best leaders are the ones that connect with the those around them. Often times, this is the leader with the highest level Emotional Intelligence (EI). Not all leaders are born with an inherent sense of what others might be feeling. Some need constant reminders that not everyone is feeling exactly the same at any given moment. With the past year having been what it was, however, the ability to understand that everyone processes these situations differently is more important than ever.

A recent Kellogg Insight Podcast featuring Kellogg’s clinical leadership professor Brenda Ellington Booth dives deep into exactly what EI is, and how you can boost your own sensitivities. Whether you are in-person with your staff or on a Zoom meeting with strangers, a better grasp on EI will serve to bolster your leadership abilities. Give a listen and see what you can improve.