How to Think Like a Scientist

It’s not often that we see the scientific community equated to the business community. Although there is some obvious overlap, the processes through which each makes decisions, solves problems, and is ultimately successful are vastly different. Now, though, Vistage’s own Marc Emmer has made the argument that perhaps it’s time for the two modes of thinking to collide.

In his new piece titled Business Strategy: Why We Need to Think Like Scientists, Emmer argues that approaching business strategy from the viewpoint of a sicentists can help us be more humble, to accept criticism, and to accept the opinions and ideas of others. Ego, he says, has no place in strategy formation. Humility, grace, and the ability to think things through are what will spark confidence in our decisions, and ultimately our success.

Emmer goes on to lay out an eight-point method for both gathering and evaluating data that will elevate your business strategy and approach to common problems. Check it out, and turn your office into your new lab (of sorts).