gender equality

Gender Equality in the Workplace

March is Women’s History Month, and one of the ways in which we can celebrate this is to honor the female trailblazers in the corporate world. Women like Estee Lauder, Coco Chanel, Katharine Graham, and Oprah Winfrey, made their way to the tops of their respective industries years ago, when women made up a very small fraction of C-suite leadership. Although that percentage has now grown, we have a long way to go before we achieve true gender equality in the workplace.

Despite the long road ahead, many in the business world feel optimistic about the future of gender equality. In the newest episode of Wharton’s podcast, the issue of equality in the workplace is on the table. As part of their Women in Leadership series, podcast host Dan Loney interviews Maurice Schweitzer about the long-held assumptions of gender norms and how they are changing. Side note: the irony of this discussion being held by two men is not lost on this blogger. It is, however, a very interesting and valuable conversation to listen to. Both discuss examples of inequality they’ve seen in the business world, and how we can all do our part to address these issues in the future. Give the new episode a listen here to see what has changed since the first women in c-suite leadership opened the doors for the next generations to come.