business leadership

Why Climate Risk is Financial Risk

Followers of this blog will know how many Insights are shared from Wharton and the brain trust over at UPenn. From their Nano-tools for leaders to their easily digestible podcast episodes, Wharton shares a vast amount of relevant and interesting information to businesses and those in leadership. One of their more interesting topics is their ESG initiative, which stands for Environmental and Social Governance. This topic has perhaps never been talked about in the mainstream as much as it is now, and with good reason. From the climate crisis to social justice, this initiative is at the forefront of these issues and is a valuable tool for leaders.

Their most recent podcast episode highlights Witold Henisz, vice dean and faculty director of the ESG initiative. As the world population and businesses are learning to adapt to our changing climate, we have a lot of adjustments to make. Every consideration, from where assets are physically placed and where investments are directed needs to adapt as well. Leaders and investors must start to listen to the science and understand what will be viable in 20 to 30 years and what will not. In this new podcast episode, Mr. Henisz goes into how businesses can address climate change, and how these adaptations will lead to better business health in the long run. Check it out when you have a free 20 minutes, and see how your business is looking in the long run.

New Year's Resolutions for Your Business

Most of us are used to making New Year’s Resolutions for ourselves this time of year. Whether it be to get more sleep, exercise more, or keep in better touch with our loved ones, these goals are usually personal, not related to our businesses. But while we’re at it, why not make some resolutions on the business side of things?

Just like with our personal goals or resolutions, research shows that small but consistent tasks make them far more achievable in the long run, ultimately turning these actions into habits. has come out with a great article to close 2023, with over 20 (yes, over 20!) recommendations on how to manage a business using the “bite-sized” method. Beautifully, if these methods are stuck with, the results will be compounded over the course of the year, leading to even better results within your business. Check it out and see what you can do for your business in 2023. Happy New Year!

Coming Out of the Crisis: Stronger and Strategically Aligned

It goes without saying that the events of the year 2020 will forever change the global economic landscape. The ramifications of a global pandemic and the shifts in economies and work forces will be felt for years to come. For the business community, this means that leaders are having to re-evaluate priorities like never before; and are basically having to re-invent ideas on a near daily basis.


James O’Gara, CEO and Founder of OnMessage (a strategic B2B consultation firm) has some good advice for those in the midst of this struggle. His piece in Texas CEO Magazine outlines six strategic questions to ask yourself as a business leader in order to emerge from this crisis in a position of strength and clarity. Check out these strategies (along with a few other pearls of wisdom), and see what it means for business owners and C-suite leadership everywhere.