It is well known that there is a severe shortage of women in positions of leadership in Corporate America. Recently, though, companies all around the United States are adding more women to their boards of directors; but what is prompting the change? David Matsa, a professor at the Kellog School of Management, suspected that this trend was not just coincidence, or even mass enlightenment. He suspected it was a result of pressures from outside influences. According to recent research, he was right.
These changes seem to be the result of pressures from venture capital and institutional investors. In particular, the “Big Three”: Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. Started in 2017 by State Street’s “Fearless Girl” campaign, and continued by Vanguard and BlackRock in 2018, these companies (and the capital they influenced) were driving boardroom gender diversity. As Matsa says: “When your largest shareholders create a ruckus, you listen.”
Read the full article here, and discover how Matsa’s research highlights what works, and what is outdated about the modern day boardroom.