SMART goals

Resolutions You Can Keep

With 2020 thankfully coming to an end, many of us are thinking about what we want to improve about ourselves, our lives, and the world around us.  These ideas typically manifest themselves in the proverbial New Year’s resolutions, and are too often jettisoned by January’s end.  To be achieved, a resolution needs to be transformed into a goal.  We are familiar with the SMART goal methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) which is no doubt helpful, but for many of us not enough.

One of Vistage’s top speakers on communication has some insights that may help you.  Chalmers Brothers has been invited to address our C-Level members over 600 times.  Mr. Brothers is a master of the conversations we have with others, and perhaps most importantly, the ones with ourselves. Changing how we handle both may help us enhance our resolution batting average.  Specifically, Mr. Brothers thinks our goal setting falls short because we fail to consider other powerful aspects of the process.  Read more about it in his short but valuable article: Goal-Setting, Declarations and The Power of Context.  (See his TEDx talk for a deeper, humorous exploration on “How language generates your world and mine.”  Highly recommended for those who aspire to lead).

Happy New Year!
