Leadership: Restoring Trust in Untrusting Times

So far, the year 2020 has brought a global pandemic, millions of jobs lost, businesses closing, police brutality, social unrest, and spike after spike of COVID-19 cases (not to mention the murder hornets, hurricanes, and fires!). These are incredibly unsure times, and keeping faith in leadership, both civic and organizational, can be challenging. Wharton School of Business adjunct professor Gregory P. Shea, PhD. has written a new piece discussing the divide between leadership and their followers that has grown exponentially in recent years.

In his article, Dr. Shea lays out a ten-point plan to rebuild trust among groups of people whose interests seem quite divergent at times. Perhaps these ten points can begin to bridge the gap that has dominated our realities not only in 2020, but for the past many years. Give it a read and see if you, too, can regain a bit of trust that may have been lost.
